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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Holly Webb; Welsh Adaptation: Llio Elaine Maddocks.
Series: Cyfres Genod Gwyrdd
The first, fantastic book in the series about four friends. A brilliant series about small changes that make a big difference, with themes of environmentalism and friendship. Researching her school project on Fairtrade has been a real eye-opener for Maya. She loves clothes and is appalled to find that her favourite sparkly T-shirts are made by poor children in other countries.
Awdur: Holly Webb; Addasiad Cymraeg: Llio Elaine Maddock.
Cyfres: Cyfres Genod Gwyrdd.
Gall newidiadau bach wneud BYD o wahaniaeth! Pan fydd Maia yn dewis thema Masnach Deg ar gyfer ei phrosiect dosbarth, mae hi’n cael tipyn o fraw wrth weld sut mae rhai o’i hoff ddillad yn cael eu gwneud. Oes ffordd iddi hi helpu i wneud ffasiwn yn fwy teg? A sut gall hi wneud hynny heb ddatgelu ei chyfrinach fawr?