Cymry. Balch. Ifanc.

Author: Llyr Titus, Megan Angharad Hunter.

An honest and deeply personal anthology collecting real-life stories from 14 young LGBTQIA+ contributors, with factual information about Welsh Pride. Edited by award-winning authors Llŷr Titus and Megan Angharad Hunter, Cymry. Balch. Ifanc. aims to increase understanding and empathy towards people in the LGBTQIA+ community by sharing personal experiences. Stunningly illustrated by Mari Philips.


Golygwyd gan: Llyr Titus, Megan Angharad Hunter

Blodeugerdd bersonol a gonest o straeon 14 o gyfranwyr LHDTCRA+ gyda gwybodaeth ffeithiol am Pride Cymru. Golygwyd gan yr awduron arobryn Llŷr Titus a Megan Angharad Hunter. Mae'r gyfrol yn anelu at hybu dealltwriaeth ac empathi tuag at y gymuned LHDTCRA+ drwy rannu profiadau personol. Arlunwaith trawiadol gan Mari Philips.

£9.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781804164044

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