Criw'r Coed a'r Gwenyn Coll

Author: Carys Haf Glyn.

The bee is sad. She has lost all her friends, so she asks the forest crew - Owl, Deer, Blackbird, Eagle and the swift Salmon - for their help. A lively text with colour illustrations that provides timely advice about the environment.


Awdur: Carys Haf Glyn.

Mae'r wenynen yn drist. Mae hi wedi colli ei ffrindiau i gyd, felly mae'n gofyn i Griw'r Coed - Gwdi-Hw, Carwww, Mwyalchen, Eryr a Chwim yr Eog - am eu help. Llyfr lliwgar a thestun hwyliog sy'n dysgu gwers bwysig am yr amgylchedd.

£6.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781800996090

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