Stori'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf

Author: Paul Dowswell; Welsh Adaptation: Elin Meek.

Specially adapted into Welsh by Elin Meek for Key Stage 2 children (ages 7 to 11 years). It looks at the causes of World War 1, its great battles and catastrophes and how the war affected nations and people all over the world. Pages are brought to life through vivid illustrations and original photographs, as well as timelines, maps and fact boxes. Essential for History classes.


Awdur: Paul Dowswell; Addasiad Cymraeg: Elin Meek.

Addasiad Cymraeg Elin Meek o lyfr hanfodol ar gyfer dosbarthiadau Hanes disgyblion CA2. Edrychir ar achosion y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, y brwydrau mawr a'r trychinebau, a sut yr effeithiodd y rhyfel ar genhedloedd a phobloedd ar draws y byd, ac ychwanegir at y testun gan ddarluniau a ffotograffiaeth gwreiddiol, mapiau, llinellau amser a blychau ffeithiau.

£7.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781849672054

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