Stafell fy Haul

Author: Manon Rhys.

A tight, multi-medium volume with many biographical themes such as family and bullying, reminiscences and childhood experiences; the author depicts the apathy and helplessness of people in the face of tragedy and also comments on some contemporary political matters.


Awdur: Manon Rhys.

Cyfrol amlgyfrwng, dynn, ag iddi sawl thema hunangofiannol megis teulu a bwlio, atgofion a phrofiadau plentyndod; mae'r awdur hefyd yn darlunio difaterwch a diymadferthedd pobl yn wyneb trychineb ac yn ymateb i rai materion gwleidyddol cyfoes.

£8.50 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781911584131

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