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Celebrate the birthday of a wonderful Grandad with this heart warming Welsh language card featuring a serene illustration of a man taking a peaceful nap in his wheelbarrow amidst a beautiful garden. This charming scene, complete with a sweet bird perched on his welly boot, captures the essence of relaxation and contentment, making it the perfect choice for wishing your Grandad a memorable birthday.
Set against a backdrop of a majestic gold tree and a starry night sky, the scene exudes a tranquil and magical atmosphere. The soft glow of the stars illuminates the garden, adding an enchanting touch to the illustration.
Message on front of card translates as 'Happy Birthday Special Grandad'.
No message inside card.
Dathlwch ben-blwydd taid arbennig gyda'r cerdyn yma sy'n cynnwys darlun tawel o ddyn yn cymryd 5 munud heddychlon yn ei ferfa yng nghanol gardd hardd. Mae'r olygfa yma, ynghyd ag aderyn bach yn eistedd ar ei eisgid, yn cyfleu hanfod ymlacio, gan ei wneud yn ddewis perffaith ar gyfer dymuno pen-blwydd cofiadwy i'ch Taid.
Dim neges tu mewn i'r cerdyn.