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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Send a heartfelt message with this elegant card. Crafted on a beautiful blush pink card adorned with delicate white flowers, this open-style card features a central message that reads "Methu Ti," meaning "Miss You" in Welsh.
The soft and feminine design, featuring intricate white flowers against the blush pink background, creates a serene and tender atmosphere. The central message serves as a sincere expression of longing and affection, conveying your heartfelt sentiments to the recipient.
No message inside card.
Measures: approx. 88x118mm.
Cerdyn bychan sydd gyda ddyluniad sydd yn cynnwys blodau gwyn yn erbyn cefndir pinc, yn creu awyrgylch tawel a thendr. Mae'r neges ganolog, 'Methu Ti', yn fynegiant diffuant o hiraeth ac anwyldeb, sy'n rhoi cyfle i chi gyfleu'ch teimladau twymgalon i'r derbynnydd.
Dim neges tu mewn i'r cerdyn.
Mesuriadau: oddeutu 88x118mm.