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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Tania ap Siôn, Leslie J. Francis.
Series: Archwilio Pam.
Aled and Siân are playing 'I Spy' and today they are looking for 'Light'. They find light in all kinds of places around where they live. When Aled and Siân visit their friends, Nathan and Rachel, they start asking an important question: "I wonder why light is so important for Shabbat?" With the help of Nathan and Rachel, Aled and Siân begin to find some answers.
Awdur: Tania ap Siôn, Leslie J. Frances.
Cyfres: Archwilio Pam.
Mae Aled a Siân yn chwarae 'Dw i'n gweld â'm llygad bach i', a heddiw maen nhw'n chwilio am wahanol fathau o 'oleuni'. Maen nhw'n dod o hyd i oleuni mewn pob math o leoedd o gwmpas ble maen nhw'n byw. Pan fydd Aled a Siân yn ymweld â'u ffrindiau, Nathan a Rachel, maen nhw'n dechrau gofyn cwestiwn pwysig: "Tybed pam mae goleuni mor bwysig ar gyfer y Shabbat?"