Deian a Loli a'r Sêr Sy'n Cysgu

Author: Angharad Elen.

Deian and Loli don't want to go to sleep and go to look for food in the kitchen. As they look through the window, they notice that there isn't a star in the sky. They travel in a spaceship to try and discover the stars. On the golden planet they meet Madam Zera who knows everything about stars.



Awdur: Angharad Elen.

Dyw Deian a Loli ddim eisiau cysgu felly maen nhw'n mynd i nôl bwyd o'r gegin. Wrth edrych drwy'r ffenest, dyma nhw'n sylwi nad oes yr un seren yn yr awyr. Maen nhw'n mynd mewn llong ofod i drio darganfod y sêr. Ar y blaned aur maen nhw'n dod ar draws Madam Zera sy'n gwybod popeth am sêr.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781784616472

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