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Author: Eirian Lloyd Jones, Aneirin Karadog.
Series: Dyna Chi Dric.
The swan and the crow, the duck and the peacock are very different birds to each other and they can be seen in this book. But what do you know about their chicks? What colour are their feathers? Is each chick's beak the same colour as the mother's beak?
Awdur: Eirian Lloyd Jones, Aneirin Karadog.
Cyfres: Dyna Chi Dric.
Mae'r alarch a'r frân, yr hwyaden a'r paun yn adar gwahanol iawn i'w gilydd ac maen nhw i'w gweld yn y llyfr hwn. Ond beth wyt ti'n ei wybod am eu cywion? Beth yw lliw eu plu? Ydy pig pob cyw yr un lliw â phig y fam?