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TotalCyfanswm: GBP
Author: Catherine L. G. Roberts.
A historical novel for adults based around the Ystumllun estate near Cricieth, Gwynedd. We follow the adventures of Captain Lewis Morgan and other memorable characters, all with a connection to the estate. It also deals with subjects of relevance today such as racism, identity and belonging.
Awdur: Catherine L. G. Roberts.
Nofel hanesyddol gyfoethog ar gyfer oedolion sy'n dilyn stori'r Capten Lewis Morgan a'i anturiaethau, a hanes unigolion sydd â chysylltiad ag ystâd Ystumllyn, Cricieth. Mae hi'n ymdrin â themâu sy'n berthnasol heddiw - perthyn, clymau, hunaniaeth, cenedlaetholdeb, hiliaeth a newid mewn oesau gwahanol.