
Author: Anni Llŷn.

Series: Enwogion o Fri.

Bywyd Arloesol Sarah Jane Rees.

This is the story of the determined girl who found out that anything was possible, in a time when women had very few opportunities. From ship’s captain to prize-winning poet, Cranogwen’s life was full of variety and excitement. An inspiring story presented in simple, clear prose and beautiful illustrations for young readers; perfect to be read aloud or for early readers.


Awdur: Anni Llŷn.

Cyfres: Enwogion o Fri.

Bywyd Arloesol Sarah Jane Rees

Dyma stori am ferch benderfynol wnaeth ddarganfod bod unrhyw beth yn bosib, a hynny mewn cyfnod lle nad oedd cyfleoedd cyfartal i ferched. O hwylio llongau i ennill gwobrau fel bardd, roedd bywyd Cranogwen yn llawn amrywiaeth a chyffro. Cyflwynir stori ysbrydole dig Cranogwen gyda thestun clir a delweddau prydferth a thyner; perffaith i'w darllen yn uchel neu ar gyfer darllenwyr newydd.

£1.00 - £5.99

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781914303067

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