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Author: Peter Stevenson; Welsh Adaptation: Siân Lewis.
An enchanting story about a little girl who lives in the midst of fairies and other wonderous creatures but can't see them. She goes on a quest to lok for them and, after many adventures, finds them. The book is packed with dramatic and compelling scenes and the author/illustrator, Peter Stevenson, has drawn a wealth of intriguing details on every page.
Awdur: Peter Stevenson; Addasiad Cymraeg: Siân Lewis.
Stori afaelgar am ferch fach sy'n byw yng nghanol tylwyth teg a chreaduriaid rhyfeddol ond sydd ddim yn gallu eu gweld. Aiff i chwilio amdanynt ar hyd ac ar led y wlad gan ddod o hyd iddynt o'r diwedd. Mae'r llyfr yn llawn golygfeydd dramatig a deniadol ac mae'r awdur/arlunydd, Peter Stevenson, wedi darlunio cyfoeth o fanylion gogleisiol ar bob tudalen.