Behind the Dragon

Author: Ross Harries.

Playing Rugby for Wales

Based on a combination of painstaking research into the early years of the Wales team to interviews with a vast array of Test match players and coaches from the Second World War to the present day, Ross Harries delves to the very heart of what it means to play for Wales, painting a unique and utterly compelling picture of the game in the only words that can truly do so.





Awdur: Ross Harries.

Playing Rugby for Wales

Mae Ross Harries yn tyrchu i galon yr hyn y mae chwarae rygbi dros Gymru yn ei olygu, gan baentio darlun unigryw a gafaelgar o'r gêm. Seiliwyd y gwaith ar ymchwil trylwyr i flynyddoedd cynnar tîm rygbi Cymru ynghyd â chyfweliadau gyda chwaraewyr a hyfforddwyr o gyfnod yr Ail Ryfel Byd hyd at heddiw.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781913538705

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