Astronot yn yr Atig

Author: Megan Angharad Hunter.

Rosie is mad about the tv series 'Yr Estronos' and about astronauts, and when a spaceship lands in her back garden, she cannot believe her luck. This is a novel about friendship, about time-travelling, about growing up in a complex and difficult world, and about pushing the boundaries of the imagination to the extreme.


Awdur: Megan Angharad Hunter.

Mae Rosie wedi gwirioni ar y gyfres deledu 'Yr Estronos' ac am astronots, a phan mae llong ofod yn glanio yn yr ardd gefn, mae'n methu â chredu ei lwc. Nofel am greu cyfeillgarwch, am deithio'n ôl ac ymlaen mewn amser, am dyfu i fyny mewn byd cymhleth ac anodd, ac am wthio ffiniau'r dychymyg i'r eithaf.

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Code(s)Rhifnod: 9781800993914

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