Crempogau Mama Panya

Author: Mary & Rich Chamberlin; Welsh Adaptation: Elin Meek.

Mama Panya is alarmed at the market when her son Adika invites all of their friends to come over for pancakes. How will she feed them all? This clever and heart-warming story about village life teaches children the benefits of sharing as well as introducing simple Swahili phrases. A Welsh translation of Mama Panya's Pancakes - A Village Tale from Kenya.


Awdur: Mary & Rich Chamberlin; Addasiad Cymraeg: Elin Meek.

Sut gall Mama Panya goginio crempogau i bawb? Prin ddigon o arian sydd ganddi i fwydo ei mab, Adika. Ond mae Adika gam o'i blaen hi - mae'n gwybod sut! Mae neges i bawb yn y stori hon o Affrica sy'n s»n am y manteision a ddaw yn sgil rhannu. Hefyd mae yma fap defnyddiol a nodiadau am Kenya a'i phobl. Cyfieithiad o Mama Panya's Pancakes - A Village Tale from Kenya.

£5.99 -

Code(s)Rhifnod: 9780955265938

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